In-house NAPPI training underway

For the uninitiated, NAPPI is an acronym that has nothing to do with diapers. NAPPI stands for ‘Non-Abusive Psychological & Physical Intervention’ and is delivered in-house by Bayswood’s Group Trainer, Sarah.

To qualify to deliver the training, Sarah had to pass a week-long course and renews her credentials to train NAPPI every year. Sarah has been running NAPPI for two years at Bayswood. The overall aim of NAPPI training is changing lives, through the use of Positive Behaviour Support to improve the quality of the person's life and quality of life for those around them.

The green section of the model provides a framework for 'Active Support'. Understanding this section enables support staff to identify primary strategies. Used continuously, such strategies reduce stress and build resilience, in turn increasing quality of life.

The amber section increases awareness of 'why' behaviour of concern occurs, and increases empathy for, and understanding of the service user. The top section identifies stress factors that can trigger behaviours of concern and when used as a person-centred tool, enables support staff to develop strategies which manage exposure to stress. The amber section also considers how a history of trauma can affect an individual's behaviour.

The red section serves as a framework for behaviours of concern and responses of the support team. Training of the 'Lalemand Red Behaviour Scale' provides an assessment tool to gauge the level of concern ranging from early signs of an individual's distress to loss of self-control. Used as a person centred tool the red section provides a framework for secondary strategies to de-escalate the behaviour.

The first batch of staff have already been through and gained their NAPPI Level One certification under the tutorage of Sarah. The course has been very well received with very positive feedback, such as this comment by one student – ‘Sarah brings the course to life by acting the parts and imparting that understanding of real situations.’

Training is an important part of working at Bayswood. The Group has a training suite at its Park View Care Home and two in-house trainers – Sarah and Joanne. The training is so successful, other Care Homes are now sending staff members for training at Park View. For more information about the training on offer at Bayswood, please contact our Group Training Manager via a contact form on this website. We will pass on any enquiries to Sarah.


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