Bayswood Care Group – Making residents feel at home!
When one of the residents at our Alexandra Care Home with Nursing told us he was really missing his train set, we decided to do something about it. We spoke to his family and had parts of his set brought into the home, where we rebuilt it so that it could be accessible from bed.
Our philosophy at Bayswood Care has always been that we are the guests in our residents’ homes. It is a privilege to be invited in and be allowed to care for them. To reinforce that mantra we work with residents and their families to ensure that rooms are made as homely as possible. Having memorabilia, art, photos of loved ones and hobby items (like this train set) in a room is massively important. It keeps residents connected to their past, loved ones and precious memories. It makes the transition to moving into a home far less daunting.
Well done to Alexandra’s staff for facilitating such a fantastic train layout for our resident!