A Day in the Life #9 – Jennifer’s story

Alexandra Care Home with Nursing is delighted to welcome Jennifer as the highly experienced nurse to head up Brambles dementia care unit. Now Jennifer has been in the role for over a month, it seems like great opportunity to interview her as part of the Bayswood ‘A Day in the Life Series.’

Originally from Barrow-in-Furness, Jennifer came to Blackpool in 1982 to complete her general nurse training and then midwifery training.

Jennifer liked the Fylde coast so much; she decided to stay and raise her young family in Blackpool.

The old patterns of NHS shifts were not conducive to childcare arrangements, so Jennifer made the decision to move into the private sector. ‘Having regular fixed shifts meant that I could look after my own family of three children, and so began my long career working in care homes,’ Jennifer explains.

Jennifer says, ‘Over the years I worked as a nurse in homes around Lytham, Blackpool, and Fleetwood, where I went on to become a care home manger. I realised I enjoyed the challenge of managing and went on to manage six homes.’

Jennifer had to step back from management in 2012 due to health reasons, but after making a good recovery was able to re-enter home management at Trinity Hospice in Bispham. Life was back on track until 15 months ago, when Jennifer lost her son in a motorbike accident and had to step out of the pressures of management to deal with her emotions and those of her family during 2021 and the first half of 2022.

What is apparent from interviewing Jennifer is that she is a remarkably strong, resilient, and positive lady. Whereas many people would probably have remained in the background following such personal tragedy, Jennifer decided to push herself into a new challenge by taking on the unit head role at Brambles.

Despite it being a sensitive area to explore, I ask Jennifer about her motivations. Her response is quite matter of fact. ‘It’s a challenge to work with people with such a high level of dependency. I relish the personal challenge of creating the team to continue the progress that has been made in recent months. I want to help raise standards even further, in line with “excellence in care” mission at Bayswood Care Group. It’s an exciting challenge.’

Jennifer brings forty years of experience to the Bayswood Group, and says, ‘It is fantastic to have this opportunity to pass on that knowledge to my new team. I can see the direction the group is heading and the very enthusiastic senior management team that has been put in place. I love the friendly and happy atmosphere that exists here.’

The more I talk to Jennifer the clearer it is that she has a wealth of knowledge to bring to her role. I can tell Jennifer is highly motivated and loves challenges, so I ask her what she does out of work to relax. Jennifer laughs and tells me, ‘I am very busy out of work. I see my grandchildren in the evenings and have lots of hobbies. I love live music and go to gigs whenever I can. I am a keen baker and also love gardening. I use time off to go walking and camping too.’ I ask Jennifer how she has time to fit all that in and she says, ‘I forgot to mention, I am learning to play the guitar as well.’

I have now interviewed a few people for the ‘Bayswood Blogs’ and can see Jennifer is another vital piece being added to the Bayswood Care Group jigsaw – as the Group’s directors continue building a cohesive and effective management team.

This notion is confirmed by Kerry Howell, Alexandra Care Home’s Registered Manager who tells me, ‘We were really impressed with Jennifer at the interview and can already see the difference she is making in the Brambles Unit. She is well organised, a quick learner and loves responsibility. Her mentorship qualifications are indicative of her being a team player and leading her colleagues by example.’

I think it’s appropriate to leave the final word to Jennifer, who says, ‘I love me job and enjoy coming to work. I’m not saying that the work is not hard at times, but I really enjoy what I do.’

PS. Jennifer’s attitude aligns well with the direction the Bayswood Care Group is heading. If you have read this Blog and are interested in a career at Bayswood, please fill out an enquiry form on this website.


Interview by Kelly Farrington


Bayswood to deliver the full range of Care Diplomas


A Day in the Life #8 – Sue’s story