Dane View Carers pass ‘Sixth Steps’ End of Life Course
Senior Carers Emma and Magda, and Deputy Home Manager, Sam, proudly show off their certificates at the course’s presentation day, having passed the LOROS Hospice ‘Sixth Steps’ Programme. Emma, Magda and Sam took the six-month course along with carers from other Leicester-based homes, with the aim of improving skills that develop the pathway to end-of-life within Dane View.
The course covered the numerous and inter-linked elements of end-of-life care. Those included holistic care, communication, personal centred care and a reflection on practise – implementing all these skills naturally and empathetically.
Emma and Magna will now lead the best practise piece for end-of-life skills for all Dane View carers within ‘Doves’ (the homes’ in-house term for the end-of-life unit). Dane View will become a centre of excellence in this field of expertise for all homes within the Bayswood group, with Emma taking the lead as ‘champion’ at Dane View.
Emma says, ‘The biggest thing I learnt during my training was that everyone is different. Some of our Doves residents want to talk openly about dying, whereas others prefer a different approach. It is important we understand the needs of each person and their families, to build an appropriate and personalised support plan. The LOROS course has been fantastic, and their training superb. I feel fortunate to be able to bring those learnings into Dane View and share them with my colleagues.’
End-of-life is an emotive and difficult subject. At Bayswood we are continually seeking to improve all areas of care but dealing with residents and their families with sensitivity and compassion is one of our over-riding priorities.
If you are reading this article and want to learn more about Bayswood Care Group’s approach to end-of-life, please click on the website’s contact form and we can arrange a call or visit.
Photo – from left to right: Deputy Home Manager, Sam; Senior Carer Magda; and Senior Carer, Emma.