A warm Brooklands welcome to Clare, Lindsey and Sophie

Brooklands care home is delighted to formally welcome three new members to the caring staff who have joined over the last few weeks.

From left to right in the photo, are Clare, Lindsey and Sophie, who join an established team at a home currently CQC rated as ‘Outstanding’

Brooklands’ Registered Manager, Jacquie says, ‘I am so pleased to receive three such talented health care assistants into the fold. I have worked with all three previously and know they are fantastic caring professionals who will enhance the great team we already have in place, here at Brooklands.’

A beautifully built care home and a team of staff with a reputation for putting people first – Brooklands is a home dedicated to caring for those with acquired brain injury and complex care requirements. Brooklands offers residents an experience tailored specifically to their needs.

For more information go to the Brooklands page on this website.


Coronavirus Update, 2023


A Day in the Life #13 – Billie’s Story