Our fight against Coronavirus

It is an extremely testing time for the world as we face a global Pandemic. Here at Bayswood Care Group, we are following strict government guidelines to ensure our residents and of course, our staff, are kept as safe as possible.

For any new residents joining us at this time, they will be tested for Covid-19 upon entering the home, and will be supported to self-isolate for 3 more days until the results of test have become clear. This ensures safe admission and allows us to maintain a little to no figure of cases within across all of our homes.

We have hand sanitising stations in and around our homes alongside signage and enforce the 2m distancing rules. Our staff are fully equipped with PPE where necessary, and are to wash their hands immediately after any contact with an individual.

Where Covid restrictions allow, visitors are now encouraged to visit our residents - We understand the importance that now more than ever, of having friends and family around us. We do however ask for just 1 resident’ visitor at a time, to reduce the risk of any infection being passed on. On arrival, our visitors will be temperature checked and information for Track and Trace will be required.


The importance of home-cooked meals